Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holiday Blues

Dear friends or friend as it may be,
I am never in good spirits for the holidays. Holy cow it's a drudgery that I don't want to face. I always dream of trips to exotic locals during the feast time. Somewhere far away where I know no one and can avoid the mess of it all.
But mess avoidance is not going to happen...and into the mess I go. I hope that someday...soon...I will be able to do my own thing and go away during the holidays. Even with family I kind of like it's still emotionally messy.
How do you survive the holidays?


  1. Hey there Midtagessen,

    Good to see you posting again. The holidays are rough, there's no getting around it. I have one of those lamps that makes your brain think that the sun is shining longer than it really is - can't remember what it's really called, but if you type "S.A.D. lamp" into a Google search you can probably find it. I think it helps. As for getting through the holidays themselves, I try to do something a little different so I don't feel so bogged down by past traditions - this year I'm trying to get people to go to the botanic gardens on Christmas day instead of just sitting around the house.

    Take it easy on yourself, the holidays are seriously a rough time.

  2. I know what you mean. Every year while I am putting up the Christmas decorations all by myself, I swear I will never do it again. And every year when I'm cooking, I think it is just not worth the effort. And every year as we pile into the car to drive off to family gatherings, I give in and let it be. One of my favorite Christmas memories was when I was in Taiwan and went to a festival. No one there knew my traditions so no one felt sorry for me for being alone on Christmas day. I loved that day! Colors and sounds and smells that were all so new - that was like a living room packed with the best Christmas presents ever!
    This year I will make a big breakfast for the family then sit around and read while everyone sleeps. Then in the evening, instead of going to my sister's house, they will come to our house. I dread that at least a little bit less.

    I will be thinking of you on that day and such thoughts will bring me sunshine!
    Love you!


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