Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Friends, or friend as it may be.
This is the day before kids come. The anticipation is high and almost tangible in my school. The teachers are semi-frantically arranging and organizing, very annoyed at the mandatory meetings that come with the beginning of school.
I was finishing my decorating. It was clear that over the weekend, when I went in, that I needed specific stuff to hang various posters and items I wanted to display to make the space my own. I had opened the doors to air out my room and to welcome anyone passing to come in and meet the new staff member.
I have the cutest poster of Winnie the Pooh...and Piglet. It deserved a place of honor above my white wipe board. I couldn't quite reach it standing on a chair. I push a nice brown sturdy table up to the wipe board and used the chair to mount it, poster in hand, sticky side out. I was shocked that I felt that darn table give underneath me. Even though I am more rotund than most and have a few items break under my weight, I really didn't think that could be the case this time. So backwards I went flying, poster in hand. All I could think about was not ruining the poster. I don't quite know how I landed, but I do know my legs were over my head for a brief moment. I popped up pretty quick and even with the shock of the situation I knew I wasn't hurt.
The schools in California are open campuses and my room faces a very popular courtyard. A group of teachers were standing there chatting with each other in clear shot of my gymnastic like antics. They all come running to see if I was OK. The only thing hurt was my pride.
I was wearing a skirt and I'm sure they all know that I wore pink polka dotted panties to the first day of school.
PS...a leg on the table was shorter than the others...thus my fall. Thank God I didn't break it.


  1. I actually stopped breathing for a second when I got to the part where you were falling, I'm so glad you didn't injure yourself! And - better that they saw your pink polka dotted panties than old discolored ones, at least they know you have cute underwear!

  2. Just checked your blog for the first time in a while. I loved reading more about your settling in. I have to admit, after the first shock, the picture of you falling head over heels made me laugh! That's not very nice of me, is it? :) I love the way your writing is going--it seems even richer than before--and it was great before! You keep going, girl! Remember that you have a whole group of writers and friends who love you and are wishing you well in your new home. I pray that you will find your tribe and feel at home soon!


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