Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hi Friends, or friend as it may be.
The San Diego sunshine was brilliant today. I woke up and baked a loaf of bread, and delivered it to the mackerel giving neighbor boy along with a small container of blueberry lime jam I made.
I putzed and put away things. Mundane to some but decidedly like a puzzle I find where things fit and belong. Living by myself I realize that they will be there where I place them, and that gives me a thrill to my toes.
My vacuum broke today...and I took it a part and ordered new parts online. I felt very handy and independent. The suck part is that the buildup of sand on the carpet gets gritty. Something about a clean floor makes my world right, but when stuff sticks to my feet it makes me mildly wacky. I'm hoping for a quick delivery of parts and pieces.
I had errands to run today and chose the hottest part of the day to be away from my little oven like apartment. So nice to feel the cool air rush from my car vents. The mission to find a post office was daunting, and I didn't find it in time and had to rush to the next item on my list. There I asked for the local post office, so now I know of one 2 towns over. I'll get the hang of this.
I was concerned about biking down to a new girlfriends and then going for a walk. She is considerably more sporty than I and I hoped I wouldn't cause her to have a lackluster workout. She was decidedly kind and open to going at my pace.
Going home with my bike, sweaty with hair in pigtail braids so they would fit in my pink bike helmet, I hear a lady yell from a balcony "You don't have a blinky light." She assured me it was the law for night bikers to have a blinky light, and ran into her house to fetch one for me. She invited me inside for wine and a quick smoke. She had already enjoyed enough for both of us I think, and had no more and reneged her offer. She gave me Fresca instead. She was quite the character and repeatedly told me I was adorable. Her boyfriend joined us on the balcony patio and stepped into my space pretty close. My first thought was that I had gotten myself into an interesting situation but then realized that she was not the only one imbibing and that he had probably staggered out the door. We chatted and I begged off to get riding with my new found blinky light.
There is a whole host of characters in San Diego.

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